มหกรรมรถยนต์ ‘99

Concept of MOTOR EXPO '99

         •The approaching A.D.2000, the first year into the new millennium, is very important to the world because it provides an opportunity for mankind to review the lessons learned during the past one thousand years as well as to set a vision or paradigm on how the world should be developed in the next millennium.
         We believe one important lesson for mankind is the intriguing relationship between technology and lifestyle. During the last thousand years man has concentrated on developing technology to provide himself with all kinds of convenience and comfort. Only in the last century did we begin to realise that lifestyle wrapped in sophisticated technology, though convenient and comfortable, was lonely and scary because technological advances could cut off human relationship. Worse still, we often times found that technology could get out of control and cause untold damage, as in the case of Y2K, for instance.
         Therefore the vision for the next millennium should focus on the human value, and it is fairly certain that various fields of technology will be developed along this line, without exception even for automotive technology where the following examples have taken shape already, viz. human voice guidance system, gear changing system that takes cognizance of each driver's habit, air-conditioning system that adjust themselves to yield maximum comfort, speed control system, automatic switching on of headlights and screen wipers, both passive and active braking and safety systems.
         All these technologies have been researched and developed along the vision that gives the highest consideration to human factor value. They are thus not raw cold technologies. Nor are they intended to be slave or master of man as in the past. On the contrary, they are intelligent technologies with a human mind, capable of being gentle, considerate, friendly and efficient – all of which are certainly going to be the attributes of automobile in the next millennium. For this reason, we have set the concept for the “16th SIAMESE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRADE EXHIBITION” (SIMTE 2000) as “The New Millennium…Automobile with Human Mind".
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